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The Book Keeper

Hey bookworms! I know it has been a long time but I've finally started publishing posts again! I have a long TBR (To Be Read) list for the holidays and can't wait to discover more stories. Check out my latest reads on the home page and be on the lookout for my next newsletter.


Finally, I just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Diwali!


See you later,

The Book Keeper

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The Book Keeper

     Great news, readers, I just received a package. Not just any package, one of the most anticipated packages of this summer. If the picture towards the right doesn't look familiar, this is Mrs. Michelle Obama's newest book, Becoming: Adated for Young Readers. Its an adaptation of the original autobiography, Becoming, about her life and work as a First Lady. This is by far the most exciting book I've received in a long time!


     Finally, I just want to add a tribute to the late Eric Carle, the author of the extremely popular children's book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" who died at the age 91. He was a master at incorporating real-world lessons in children's books. 

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The Book Keeper

Welcome, bookworms! Welcome to my Updates page! Here, I will post all sorts of updates ranging from book release dates to delays in my blog posts to holiday wishes. Just remember that any inappropriate or hurtful comments will immediately be removed. Please remember that this blog is only for DIS and sharing it with those who aren't students or faculty at DIS is strictly forbidden. This blog was made to encourage reading among students not to put people down or discourage reading styles. Most of my posts are my opinions, not facts and if you like any books that are in a negative review, by all means, feel free to read them. This is the reason we have a comments section, to let me know how you feel. Well, that's about it, continue your experience on the BookHive, and be sure to like, comment and engage in conversations.

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